Wednesday, October 10, 2007


My excitement at actually being asked to do a blog in a real blog community was somewhat tempered by minor practical glitches, but I shall not go there. The lingering jet lag is finally lifting, and I'm going onward full tilt under the tutelage of Her Majesty here in the library, whom I recently heard talking about Thing 14, reliable online resources, convincingly to a class, and Thing 13, subscription databases. They are, as usual, underused by students and it takes some persuasion to convert students to using them, as easy as they are and available. - Now, let's see if this comment actually posts before I go onward with pics and stuff.


--Deanna said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Eeva! Your post worked, so now I'm hoping to see you post some pics - from your recent trip, perhaps??

Unknown said...

Eeva, I love being referred to as "Her Majesty!" It's nice to know that at least one person was listening to my presentation!